Ok, as promised I will now continue with 7 reasons why people become change-shy and suggested solutions to brave forward towards positive and productive change in the workplace.
1. It did not work in the past
Many people conveniently justified their reluctance to change by simply attributing to the fact that, what was introduced before did not work. You know like "dah buat dah dulu, tapi tak berkesan" kind of thing. People spend more time pointing to all the changes introduced that did not work rather on why things did not work and how to get things to work. The truth is, there could many reasons why certain change did not work in the past. Among other things are lack of commitment, people not aware of the benefits of the change, people not trained to implement the change, conflict of interest in the change initiative and lack of supporting resources to ensure the success of the change.
Recommended strategy: Ascertain the root causes for why the change did not work in the past and come up with a clear approach on how to overcome these difficulties. What did not work in the past need not mean it is not going to work now. Hellen Keller proves succinct point when she said "When one door closes, another opens. But we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed doors that we do not see the one which has opened for us". The key is to recommend new ways to open a door towards change and play a persisting role to bring about positive results.
To be continued!

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