A Good Plan Is Like A Road Map; It Shows The Final Destination And Marks The Best Way To get There

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Of Assessments...

Dear alz!

Apa beza penilaian formatif dengan penilaian sumatif?

Monday, April 11, 2011

...Of Men and Women

Salam to alz!

Got this from Why Men Can Only Do One Thing at a Time and Women Never Stop Talking by Allan and Barbara Pease

Women think that computers should be referred to in the masculine gender because:
1 In order to get their attention, you have to turn them on
2 They have a lot of data, but are still clueless
3 They are supposed to help you solve problems, but half the time they are the problem
4 As soon as you commit to one, you realise that, if you had waited a little longer, you could have had a better model.

Men think that computers should be referred to in the feminine gender because:
1 No one but God understands their internal logic
2 The native language they use to communicate with other computers is incomprehensible to everyone else
3 Even your smallest mistakes are stored in long term memory for retrieval
4 As soon as you make a commitment to one, you find yourself spending half your salary on accessories for it. true isn't it?.


...Of Coincidence

Salam to alz!

Flight AK5282 KUL - KBR

Two young men sat beside me in this flight.  Very trendy, sunglasses and all.
Talking non-stop for 50 minutes.
Complete with hand gestures - like playing guitar, drum or something.  Almost knocked on my face.
Looked like they were preparing for a gig or something.  A live band may be.
When touched down, both raised their hands for a short prayer.  Alhamdulillah.
They quickly got up to make way for me.  So gentlemen..
One of them sat down again saying that he wanted to rest first ... while I had to stand waiting for the door to open.  Haiya...

Flight AK5289 KBR-KUL

I was already in the plane and found my seat.  Was adjusting my seat belt when I looked up and saw..lo and behold..the guys AGAIN!.."Eh! You again?" I blurted.  I believe he too couldn't believe his eyes.  This time, they sat separately so it was peaceful.
And I swear I would not be fooled again.

So the coincidence of sitting next to the same stranger in different flights two days in a row? In my case it is 100%..


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

...Of Friends and Friendship

Salam to alz!

Newly found friends...precious.

This year I had the privilege to guide, manage and chaperon a bunch of energetic teachers to represent Kulaijaya in Karnival Bahas Guru Negeri Johor 2011.

BM team is lead by Anita.  Team members are Shahrizal, Faizal, Letchumy, Yi Ling and Ashiq. Fatouree is the manager and Nurul the chaperon.

BI team is lead by Sairah.  Team members are Diren, Herryan, Saripah Faridah, Linda, Yati and Kalla.

Even though BM team failed, the BI team became the first runner up.

Kudos to all.  Thank you for all the commitment and hard work.

Keep in touch, friends.

Monday, April 4, 2011

...Kisah TOM dan PATI

Salam to alz!

Ini kisah Tom dan Pati.

Tom, seekor kucing hitam jantan yang merasakan rumah kami adalah rumahnya.  Dia telah diangkat menjadi sebahagian dari ahli keluarga ini oleh suami saya.  Maka, makan minum Tom dijaga oleh sekalian ahli rumah ini.

Pati, seekor kucing betina yang tiba-tiba mendatang di rumah ini.  Sebab itu diberi nama Pati (Pendatang asing Tanpa Izin).  Kami tidak pernah memberi Pati makan.  Tom yang selalu beri Pati makan.  Apabila makanan Tom diletakkan dalam bekas, Tom akan makan separuh.  Kemudian lebihannya akan dimakan oleh Pati.

Pada waktu lapang, Pati suka duduk di bawah kereta.  Pati akan segera lari kalau kami mendekatinya.  Dia tak manja macam Tom.

Satu hari, sewaktu suami saya mengundurkan kereta, beliau terlanggar kaki Pati.  Terhencut-hencut Pati lari.  Sejak itu kelibat Pati tak pernah kelihatan lagi. Suami saya mengesyaki Pati cedera dan mungkin menghilangkan diri buat sementara waktu. 

Tidak lama selepas itu, kami mula menghidu bau yang tak menyenangkan di hadapan rumah.  Pelbagai teori mula muncul.  Mungkin Pati terjatuh ke dalam longkang di depan rumah dan mati di sana.  Seminggu selepas itu, banyak langau mula muncul di kawasan tong sampah.  Teori yang timbul adalah pereputan bangkai mula berlaku, ulat bangkai sedah menjadi langau (mcm CSI).  Mungkin juga sebab MPKu lambat mengangkat sampah maka ada banyak langau.  Tapi tak pernah ada langau yang begitu banyak sebelum ini.

Hari Sabtu lepas, sewaktu membersihkan kawasan 'shrubs'di sekitar tong sampah di depan rumah, suami saya telah terjumpa bulu yang disyaki milik Pati.  Tulang banyak yang sudah reput.  Mungkin sewaktu dalam kesakitan, Pati cuba meminta tolong.  Tetapi, agaknya kakinya tersangkut di antara pokok-pokok yang ada di depan rumah kami.  Riwayat Pati berakhir di situ.

Begitulah berakhirnya kisah Pati.  Maka, misteri kehilangan Pati telah selesai.


Terkini - Tom masih belum diberitahu tentang penemuan bangkai Pati.  Saya rasa dia akan dapat menerimanya kerana dia seekor kucing yang tabah dan kuat (kalau tidak, tak kan badannya penuh dengan parut hasil pergaduhan)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

...Of Lost and Found

Salam to alz!

Sometimes we lose some, we win some.

Sometimes we lost some friends, and found new ones.

Sometimes we found the friends we lost and build new relationship.

Lost and found..all in the hands of Allah.


Saturday, April 2, 2011

...Of Life and Death

Salam to alz!

An office mate passed away on Friday, 25th March 2011.  Al fatihah.

Somehow, when someone is no longer around, we start to think about that person.  We think of the things that we have done, things that we should have done and things that we should never have done.

Arwah liked my nasi dagang.  Not that my nasi dagang is the best in town but somehow his request for my nasi dagang came every hari raya since 2008.  Last raya was no exception.  He requested and mentioned about nasi dagang so many times I lost count of it. However, I kept on delaying cooking it.

Somehow, someone (can't remember who) reminded me to cook nasi dagang soon.  Takut tak sempat nak makan katanya. Knowing that arwah was not well (he got the 3 serangkai thing i guess), finally I cooked it.  He came over my house and really ate.  Alhamdulillah.

Yesterday, we carried out a simple tahlil for arwah at the office.  I asked Hj Subari to order food to eat after the tahlil.  While I gave the money to him, I asked him who cooked the food because it was delicious.  He said "puan masak lagi sedap.  Tapi nasi dagang la".  I am not sure if that is a compliment or another request.

Al fatihah to arwah Afandi bin Abu.  semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat Allah swt.

For others, life goes on.