A Good Plan Is Like A Road Map; It Shows The Final Destination And Marks The Best Way To get There

Friday, April 1, 2011

...Of The Park..

Salam to alz!

For the past 2 months I've been frequenting this park for my daily walk/jog.  A lot of things I observed during my walk.

Most of the time, you can find Chinese men and women, young and old, doing their rounds at the park.

Very seldom you can find Indians and Malays.  I am not sure why but I think the Chinese are more concerned about their health.  I could be wrong though.

The youths are there too.  Most of the time, they hang around with friends, vroom vroom the motorbikes, girlfriends on tow, littering and so on.  Sad to say, most of them are Malays.  For the time being, I just observe.  Should I say something? I don't know.

Well, so far I am happy with my walk/jog arrangement.  Even though sometimes it was quite embarrassing when I can't even potong the uncle walking in front of me.  I try to do at least 3 rounds daily.  That is equivalent to 1.5km.  Today, I did 2.5km.  But Ms Chan Moi (my previous GPK who retired a couple of years back) did more than me.  She was about 100m in front of me and I couldn't potong her.  Luckily she didn't notice me.  Embarrassing.

By the way, I walk/jog for my health.  Losing weight is a bonus.  Even though a mere setengah kati per week, it is an achievement. So, let's meet up at the park tomorrow, ok?


p/s setengah kati is equivalent to 300gm ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Oya,
    Good to hear you're keeping up with ur exercise routine. Try take up swimming and do some strength conditioning (weight lifting) routines to add some varieties to ur exercise regime..You'll love them for sure..
