A Good Plan Is Like A Road Map; It Shows The Final Destination And Marks The Best Way To get There

Saturday, April 2, 2011

...Of Handbag and Flight Ticket

Salam to alz!

There is this handbag I saw in Muar the other day.  A dark blue handbag.  Very beautiful.  It costs RM300++

I haven't seen my mum for quite some time.  Balik kampung plans always fail to materialise for many obvious reasons.  I miss my mum. Very much.  It breaks my heart every time I think of her.

So, the surfing and browsing for flight tickets begins after dearest hubby's consent.  The cost? RM300++.

Of handbag and flight ticket? Flight ticket wins hands down.  I'll be flying to Kota Bharu on 9th April and come back the next day.  Costly you say? Well, time spent with loved ones is precious.  And time waits for no man..or woman.



  1. mak lagik pentingg kaannnnnnn????? handbag ada byk..mak ada satu je... :)

  2. kirim salam kat mak...bgtahu kpah nak pindah rumah pertengahan bulan depan...

  3. yus - mak adalah segala-galanya..tak leh compare dgn handbag hehhee

    k pah - insyaallah..
