A Good Plan Is Like A Road Map; It Shows The Final Destination And Marks The Best Way To get There

Monday, August 16, 2010


Salam to alz!

Time really flies! We are now in the middle of August.  Have we accomplished what we have planned earlier this year? Personally, I have not.  Come to think of it, I didn't even realise so many days and months have passed this year. 

I would like to share this article that I read in the newspaper sometime ago.  It was about sharpen your axe.  There was a very strong and skilled Kayan woodcutter who asked for a job with a timber merchant.  He got the job and the pay was good.  The boss gave him an axe and determined to do his best, the woodcutter cut down 15 trees on his first day on the job.

Highly motivated, the woodcutter tried harder the next day but he cut down 13 trees.  Next day, he tried even harder but only chopped down 11 trees.  day after day he tried but he cut down fewer trees.  The woodcutter thought he must be losing his strength so he apologised to his boss claiming he could not understand why.

"When was the last time you sharpen your axe?" the boss asked.  "Sharpen my axe? I had no time to sharpen my axe.  I have been busy too busy cutting down trees," said the woodcutter.

He sharpened his axe and immediately was back to 15 trees a day.  Since then, he begins the day by sharpening his axe.

Most of us are too busy doing and trying to achieve, that we never take time to learn and grow.  We don't have the time or patience to update skills, knowledge and beliefs about our work or to take time to think and reflect.  Many of us assume that sharpening our axe is not a priority.

So, what exactly is sharpening the axe? Dr Steven Covey, who popularised the term, believes it means "increasing your personal production capacity by daily self care and self-maintenance."

Most people fail to understand what it means.  Some mistake it for taking a break or vacation.  Taking a break or a vacation is not sharpening your axe.  That is putting the axe down.  when you put down a dull blade and rest, the blade will still be dull when you pick it up.

Sharpening the axe is an activity.  There are many ways we can do to sharpen our job's axe.  Reading books, going for a course, study something new, asking for feedback, get a mentor or learn from people who inspire you.  You have to sharpen your axe as often as possible.  But if you are so busy and so focused on your job with no time for discussion or study, you are not really moving forward.

Much like the woodcutter, trying hard will not yield results. Our years of experience count for nothing if we did not upgrade ourselves.  Axe sharpening isn't as fun as whacking down trees.  It is a tedious work.  It is an inner battle.  Once your blades are sharpened, use them because sharpened blades will not produce results if you keep them in the cupboard.

So, how are your various blades doing?  Your skills, your knowledge, your mind, your physical body, your motivation, your commitment, your emotions - are all of them sharp?  If not, which ones are dull, and what can you do to sharpen them?  What are you doing to sharpen your axe?

Take a step back and start sharpening your axe. : )


Sunday, August 15, 2010


Salam to alz!

Keputusan peperiksaan percubaan UPSR (UPPM3) telah dikeluarkan.  Bagimana prestasi kita?
Bagi Pemahaman (SK), kita telah mencapai 95.54%.   Daripada 32 buah sekolah, hanya sebuah sekolah sahaja yang tidak melepasi 90%  (89.22%).  Antara sekolah yang mendapat 100% ialah SK Sayong Pinang, satu-satunya sekolah murid asli di daerah Kulai ini.  Di sekolah ini, 14 calon telah mendaftar tetapi hanya 5 orang sahaja yang hadir dan semua mereka yang hadir lulus dengan seorang mendapat A.

Bagi Penulisan (SK), kita telah mencapai 92.4% dan hanya 2 buah sekolah sahaja yang berada di bawah paras 80%.  Kedua-dua buah sekolah ini mendapat 76.47% (6 calon mendapat D, 2 calon E) dan 60% (2 calon D).

Bahasa Inggeris (SK) pula, pencapaian kita hanya memuaskan sahaja di mana kita mencapai 79.54%.  Lima buah sekolah berada di bawah 70%.  Daripada 5 buah sekolah ini,4 daripadanya berada di antara 60 - 69% manakala sebuah sekolah hanya mencapai 20% sahaja.

Di sekolah jenis kebangsaan (SJK), bagi kertas Pemahaman, 65.3% telah menguasai.  Namun begitu, daripada 19 buah sekolah, 4 buah sekolah berada di bawah 60% dan sebuah sekolah hanya mencapai 38.71%.

Bagi Penulisan (SJK), 63.02% telah menguasai.  Tiga buah sekolah berada di antara 50 -59% manakala 2 buah sekolah masing-masing berada pada 48.39% dan 35%. 

Bagi Bahasa Inggeris pula, kita telah mencapai 72.53%.  Semua sekolah telah melepasi tahap 60% di mana prestasi paling rendah adalah 61.29% dan paling tinggi adalah 86.36%.

Begitulah serba sedikit tentang prestasi peperiksaan percubaan UPSR sekolah-sekolah di daerah Kulaijaya ini. Di bulan-bulan terakhir sebelum UPSR yang sebenar, sekolah seharusnya telah berada pada fasa final bagi membuat pecutan yang terakhir.  Guru-guru sewajarnya telah mengenalpasti siapakah murid mereka yang perlu dibantu bagi memastikan mereka dapat mencapai keputusan yang sewajarnya.

Bermula minggu hadapan, selama 2 minggu, pegawai-pegawai di Unit Akademik akan bergerak ke semua SJK di daerah Kulai bagi memantau program yang dilaksanakan oleh sekolah selepas peperiksaan percubaan UPSR ini.  Antara aspek yang akan dilihat adalah pelaksanaan dan kesesuaian program.  Apa yang diharapkan adalah sekolah telah membuat perancangan yang rapi khususnya bagi murid-murid yang berada pada tahap GALUS bagi memastikan mereka mendapat bimbingan sewajarnya.

Buat rakan-rakan guru di sekolah, kita mengucapkan jutaan terima kasih atas segala usaha cikgu membimbing murid-murid kita di sekolah.  Sentiasalah kita ingat bahawa setiap anak dilahirkan dengan kejayaan jadi janganlah kita menjadi orang yang menggagalkannya.  Berusahalah kerana setiap usaha yang kita lakukan, insyaAllah, akan mendapat ganjaran sewajarnya di dunia dan di akhirat.



Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Ramadhan mubarak to all!

Syukur Alhamdulillah kerana dengan rahmatnya kita bertemu dengan satu lagi Ramadhan.  Semoga peluang Ramadhan kali ini dapat kita gunakan sebaik-baiknya untuk menambahkan amal ibadat kita. selamat berpuasa!