Salam to alz!
....continue a little bit more ya..
3 People Were Penalised For Change
Organisations need to adopt the policy of encouraging a reasonable amount of risk taking. One of the most common ways organisations develop resistance to change is the fear inculcated in people due to changes in the past. People in organisation have a history of adverse actions taken against individuals as a result of change. For example, if a leader introduced change but showed unfavourable results and later penalised, people will be afraid to introduce any changes in the future.
Recommended Strategy : Organisations need to adopt a the policy of encouraging a reasonable amount of risk taking. This requires the top management to support risk-taking efforts and recognise the possibilities of the outcome that may arise from the venture. The word risk implicates that there is an element of uncertainty towards the desired products. Management will have to take the good as well as the bad that comes along with it.
A Good Plan Is Like A Road Map; It Shows The Final Destination And Marks The Best Way To get There
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Salam to alz!
Ok, let's continue from where we left.
2 Leaders Do Not Walk Their Talk
To achieve leadership credibility, leaders need to practise what they preach. Too often leaders fail to win the commitment of others towards change because they lack ability to influence others. To be able to influence others positively and productively requires leadership credibility. People shy away from change because leaders only pay lip service to changes but do not follow up with their actions.
Recommended strategy : Get leaders to become agents of change. As agents of change, they are required to be the first to practise whatever the recommended changes are. Leaders must implement the recommended changes and show some positive results before they implement the change to others.
to be continued...
Ok, let's continue from where we left.
2 Leaders Do Not Walk Their Talk
To achieve leadership credibility, leaders need to practise what they preach. Too often leaders fail to win the commitment of others towards change because they lack ability to influence others. To be able to influence others positively and productively requires leadership credibility. People shy away from change because leaders only pay lip service to changes but do not follow up with their actions.
Recommended strategy : Get leaders to become agents of change. As agents of change, they are required to be the first to practise whatever the recommended changes are. Leaders must implement the recommended changes and show some positive results before they implement the change to others.
to be continued...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Salam to alz!
Bermula esok 4 Mei 2010 hingga 6 Mei 2010 akan diadakan kursus pemantapan tatabahasa untuk guru-guru BM sekolah menengah di PLGDP Bandar Tenggara. Kursus ini melibatkan 25 orang guru dan dianjurkan oleh IPG Temenggong Ibrahim Johor Bahru. Saya harap guru-guru yang terlibat akan mengambil perhatian khusus dan serius dalam kursus ini kerana mereka dikehendaki mengadakan kursus dalaman apabila pulang ke sekolah masing-masing selepas kursus berakhir.
Selamat berkursus!
Bermula esok 4 Mei 2010 hingga 6 Mei 2010 akan diadakan kursus pemantapan tatabahasa untuk guru-guru BM sekolah menengah di PLGDP Bandar Tenggara. Kursus ini melibatkan 25 orang guru dan dianjurkan oleh IPG Temenggong Ibrahim Johor Bahru. Saya harap guru-guru yang terlibat akan mengambil perhatian khusus dan serius dalam kursus ini kerana mereka dikehendaki mengadakan kursus dalaman apabila pulang ke sekolah masing-masing selepas kursus berakhir.
Selamat berkursus!
Salam to alz!
Masa berlalu begitu pantas sekali dan tanpa kita sedari bulan April telah 3 hari meninggalkan kita. Kini bulan Mei telah menjelma. Mungkin bagus sekiranya kita boleh membuat sedikit refleksi ke atas apa yang telah kita capai sepanjang 4 bulan dalam tahun 2010 ini. Adakah kita sedang berada di landasan yang tepat dan betul? Adakah kita telah membuat banyak persediaan dalam menghadapi cabaran yang bakal mendatang? Adakah kita telah mencapai sekurang-kurangnya 50% daripada sasaran kita untuk menyiapkan murid-murid kita dalam menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR, PMR dan SPM? Banyak sungguh soalan dan persoalannya! Apa yang lebih penting bagi kita sebagai pendidik adalah memastikan kita memberi yang terbaik untuk anak-anak murid kita kerana itu adalah tanggungjawab yang kita pilih dan galas dengan seikhlas mungkin.
Di ruangan ini, saya ingin berkongsi satu artikel yang masuk ke dalam mailbox saya. Selamat membaca & renung-renungkanlah...
Hi! And how are you all? The highlight of April was going to the National Achievers Congress (NAC), which is an annual ritual for me. It was not only for me to see world class speakers in action, but to also meet friends, former participants and to network. Importantly, it serves as an opportunity for me to benchmark myself against the best in the world and you know what; I know that there is still so much for me to learn and develop from a professional and personal standpoint! Although some of the speakers were not up to the NAC mark, the majority had lots of profound things to say and there was a lot that I learnt. One of the speakers I enjoyed listening to was Robert G. Allen. During his presentation, one of the quotes which caught my attention was ‘you can never achieve anything worthwhile, if you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone’.

Masa berlalu begitu pantas sekali dan tanpa kita sedari bulan April telah 3 hari meninggalkan kita. Kini bulan Mei telah menjelma. Mungkin bagus sekiranya kita boleh membuat sedikit refleksi ke atas apa yang telah kita capai sepanjang 4 bulan dalam tahun 2010 ini. Adakah kita sedang berada di landasan yang tepat dan betul? Adakah kita telah membuat banyak persediaan dalam menghadapi cabaran yang bakal mendatang? Adakah kita telah mencapai sekurang-kurangnya 50% daripada sasaran kita untuk menyiapkan murid-murid kita dalam menghadapi peperiksaan UPSR, PMR dan SPM? Banyak sungguh soalan dan persoalannya! Apa yang lebih penting bagi kita sebagai pendidik adalah memastikan kita memberi yang terbaik untuk anak-anak murid kita kerana itu adalah tanggungjawab yang kita pilih dan galas dengan seikhlas mungkin.
Di ruangan ini, saya ingin berkongsi satu artikel yang masuk ke dalam mailbox saya. Selamat membaca & renung-renungkanlah...
Hi! And how are you all? The highlight of April was going to the National Achievers Congress (NAC), which is an annual ritual for me. It was not only for me to see world class speakers in action, but to also meet friends, former participants and to network. Importantly, it serves as an opportunity for me to benchmark myself against the best in the world and you know what; I know that there is still so much for me to learn and develop from a professional and personal standpoint! Although some of the speakers were not up to the NAC mark, the majority had lots of profound things to say and there was a lot that I learnt. One of the speakers I enjoyed listening to was Robert G. Allen. During his presentation, one of the quotes which caught my attention was ‘you can never achieve anything worthwhile, if you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone’.
You can never achieve anything worthwhile, if you are unwilling to step out of your comfort zone’
I most certainly concur with this. All of us want to achieve success in our lives, but the problem is we also want to remain in our comfort zones and not change. This is not possible as success and comfort zones are definitely not compatible. To achieve success we have to do things that we have never done before. This is difficult for most people because we are all fearful of change and taking risks! As much as change is painful, it is however the price we have to pay to achieve success. As Albert Einstein said, “Insanity is when you do the same things and expect different results.”
Regardless of how comfortable you are right now in your comfort zone, you are most certainly not maximizing your potential. Inside this zone you are safe, secure, and stable. Inside this zone there is minimal risk and when there is no risk, there is definitely no reward. If you are okay with this, then that is fine too, but please do not complain. I always detest people who complain about their lives but do nothing at all to improve it!
Moving out of your comfort zone can however be embarrassing, frightening, painful, and traumatic. But it is probably the single most important step you can make towards achieving things that are worthwhile to your life. In the process, you must learn to accept the existence of fear. You must realize that fear is something that keeps you from being the person that you could be. It stops you from doing the things you would like to do and hinders you from getting the things you would like to have. You have to learn to manage this fear.
So my advice to everyone would be, fight that fear and go there and do all those things that you have always wanted to do. Start that business, change your job, do that academic program that you have always wanted to do; In short, take that risk! You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I do hope I have in a small way motivated you to take action to become a better person. Till my June newsletter, have a great month ahead and do take care.
Thank you for taking the time to read this. I do hope I have in a small way motivated you to take action to become a better person. Till my June newsletter, have a great month ahead and do take care.
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