Salam to all.
"Kursus Pendedahan Komponen Sastera Bahasa Inggeris Sekolah Menengah Tingkatan 1 & 4" has been carried out on 19 - 20th January 2010 in SMKIP1.
Ladies & gentlemen, the certs are with me. Some of you might have gotten them (congratulations!) & thank you very much for your reports. So those who have not got theirs yet - that is because I haven't received your reports (sob!sob!). Please let me know if you have carried out the in-house training (as required) in your report (esp the attendance) etc. Until the reports are safely in my hand, your certs will be in good hands (mine, that is!) Please don't take too long because by middle of March, I would gladly post the list of schools (that have not sent in the report) in PPD's website ; )
Have a nice day!